A Strategic Defense Against Felony Charges
Felony charges can have a considerable impact on your future. Instead of hoping for the best by settling for a public defender or trying to defend yourself, let a skilled and experienced legal team stand up for you. When the outcome of your felony charges can change the course of your future, now is the best time to reach out to a Columbus firm.
At Bowen, Scranton, & Olsen, LLC, we are adept in providing comprehensive felony defense for clients facing serious charges. Our Ohio lawyers understand the gravity of a felony offense and are dedicated to delivering the strongest possible defense to protect your rights and future.
The Consequences Of A Felony Conviction
Facing a felony offense such as homicide, sexual assault, arson or a weapons offense can be life-altering. A conviction for felonies can mean years in prison, thousands of dollars in fines and years more of probation. There are also collateral consequences of a conviction, including damaged relationships with friends and family, as well as hardships gaining housing, employment, and higher education. With so much at stake in your case, having an experienced felony defense team on your side. We are committed to crafting strategic defenses against felony charges, ensuring that every client receives the best possible outcome.
Rigorous Defense Strategies
We employ rigorous defense strategies to challenge the evidence presented against you. Our felony defense approach includes a thorough investigation of the facts, questioning the credibility of witnesses and identifying any procedural errors that could impact your case. We also scrutinize anything the prosecution may have against you to find weaknesses in their strategy, as well as look for any opportunities for improving your defense, such as by proving police errors, like conducting illegal searches.
Proven Success In High-Profile Cases
Our firm has a history of success in handling high-profile felony defense cases. Whether dealing with aggravated theft, aggravated assault or domestic violence, we have consistently achieved favorable outcomes for our clients. We use our extensive experience to explore all available options to beat your charges or minimize them or their penalties.
Giving You Guidance Through Your Claim
At our Columbus law firm, representing our clients is more than developing a defense for them. We also work closely with our clients to keep them informed about their cases, and we take the time to answer any questions they may have, such as:
What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?
In the criminal justice system, offenses are categorized into misdemeanors and felonies based on their severity. A misdemeanor is considered a less serious offense, whereas a felony is a more serious crime that can result in more severe penalties. Felonies include crimes such as homicide, sexual assault and arson. A crime can also become a felony if it crosses state lines, takes place in one or more state, or affects people in multiple states.
Can felony charges be dropped in Ohio?
Yes, felony charges can potentially be dropped in Ohio, but this depends on the specifics of the case. Charges may be dismissed if the defense can successfully challenge the evidence, demonstrate procedural errors or negotiate with prosecutors. A dismissal can happen during pretrial motions or plea bargaining and can also happen if new evidence is brought to light that dismantles the prosecution’s case.
What is the first-time felony offenders program in Ohio?
Ohio offers a program for first-time felony offenders aimed at rehabilitation rather than punishment. Known as Intervention in Lieu of Conviction (ILC), this program offers an opportunity for rehabilitation instead of a typical criminal offense penalty. A participant needs to qualify for the program by meeting criteria like being charged with a qualifying nonviolent felony and having no prior felony convictions. Completing the program can result in dismissed charges, allowing a defendant to keep a clean record.
Choose Committed Representation As Your Defense
At Bowen, Scranton, & Olsen, LLC, we understand the stress and uncertainty that come with facing felony charges. Contact us today by calling 614-254-6517 or email us here to discuss your case and learn how we can help you with your felony defense needs.