Combatting Theft Charges And Their Consequences
Facing a theft charge can be daunting and stressful. Whether it is petty theft, grand theft or identity theft, understanding the nature of the charge and its potential consequences is crucial. Each type of theft charge carries different penalties, and being informed can make a significant difference in how you approach your defense.
At Bowen, Scranton, & Olsen, LLC, we know the importance of having a skilled defense at your side when facing any criminal charges. Our Ohio attorneys explore all available opportunities to pursue the ideal outcome in every case we take, and we are prepared to defend you against any type of theft charges.
Types Of Theft Charges
Depending on the events leading up to your charges, you may be facing one of multiple types of theft charges. Each of these charges comes with its own consequences in a conviction, so it is important to understand what is at stake in your case to develop a plan to help you overcome your charges properly.
Petty theft is generally considered a minor offense involving the unlawful taking of property valued below a specific amount, often under $1,000. Common examples of this property crime include shoplifting small items from a store.
Grand theft involves stealing property of higher value, often exceeding $1,000. This type of theft charge is more serious and can be classified as a felony theft offense. The penalties are more severe, potentially including significant fines and lengthy prison sentences.
Identity theft occurs when someone unlawfully obtains and uses another person’s personal information, typically for financial gain. This type of theft by deception is a serious offense with severe penalties.
Potential Penalties And Long-Term Consequences
The penalties for a theft charge vary depending on the type and severity of the crime. For petty theft, consequences might include fines, probation and community service. A conviction for minor charges may not seem serious, but they can add up by making future charges more extreme.
For grand theft, the consequences are more severe. A felony theft offense can result in substantial prison time, heavy fines and a lasting impact on your life. A felony conviction strips your rights to vote and to own a gun and can keep you from earning certain jobs or housing.
Identity theft carries significant penalties, including long prison sentences and hefty fines. The steep penalties for these charges reflect the harm these crimes can cause.
The Importance Of Acting Fast
If you have been arrested for a theft crime, it is crucial to act quickly. The sooner you reach out to our attorneys, the sooner we can begin developing a plan to help you through your criminal defense case. We understand the complexities of Ohio shoplifting penalties, and our experience in these cases can be the advantage you need.
Answering The Questions Surrounding Your Charges
We know that these situations can leave you confused with a lot of questions. As we represent you through your defense, we can also answer any questions you have throughout the process. Some of the questions our clients ask include:
Will I go to jail if found guilty of petty theft?
Being found guilty of petty theft can lead to various penalties, depending on the specifics of your case and jurisdiction. Petty theft is usually a misdemeanor, which often comes with fines, community service or probation instead of jail time. While it is possible to go to jail for petty theft, we can help pursue any option of avoiding that outcome.
I was at a store with a friend who was charged with shoplifting. Can I also be charged?
Yes, it is possible to be charged with shoplifting even if you did not directly participate in the act. If authorities suspect that you were an accomplice to the crime or knew of your friend’s intentions, you could also face charges, known as “aiding and abetting.”
What is the penalty for theft by deception in Ohio?
Theft by deception in Ohio involves obtaining property or services through deceitful means. A conviction for these misdemeanor charges can include fines and jail time. If the stolen goods were more valuable, the charges could escalate to felony charges and larger fines with longer prison sentences. A conviction can also have long-term consequences on your future, including challenges finding employment or housing, damaged relationships, trouble gaining higher education, and a felony can also strip away your right to own a gun or vote.
Your Defense Against Theft Charges Starts Here
Do not wait to seek legal assistance if you are facing a theft charge. Now is the best time to reach out to our Columbus office to begin building your personalized defense case. Call us at 614-254-6517 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.